Inside the Children’s ICU

Channel NewsAsia (CNA) has gained access into the Children’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital where the majority of critically-ill young patients in Singapore are admitted.

Through a five-part observational documentary series titled “Inside the Children’s ICU” that premieres on January 29, 2018 at 8pm, the news channel chronicles the journey of five families and the team of healthcare professionals who provide round-the-clock critical care to their young wards.

It explores how the intensity of caring for children with grave illnesses change parents and their priorities; the steely strength it takes for children to triumph in the ICU; and how the doctors and nurses cope with being the last line of defense, moment-by-moment, day-by-day.

In the first episode, a little girl contracts a dangerous bacterial infection; a little boy who was perfectly fine the day before now suffers from organ failure because of a mysterious illness; and the common flu threatens the life of a girl with a rare genetic disease.
